Sunday, August 28, 2005

"You want me to do what with what?!?!?!?!"

There it is ladies and gentlemen, the first headshed meeting between these two great minds. I think they were discussing the quantum heory and how it applies to the DJ Mixing table on their exersaucer.
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I just thought this picture of Dillon needed to be posted. If you can't tell, those are some rattle slippers on his feet. I can't tell if he looks obscenely cute or obscenely ridiculous, I think I will err on the side of cute!
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I apologize!

Sorry all, I hav ebeen extremely busy lately, I have an awesome wife who has helped push me back into school.

Right now I am taking 16 credits through 5 classes and in the middle of October that will jump to 20 credit and 6 classes, so I have not had time to contribute to the blogosphere as much as I would like to otherwise.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Three Months!

Well, it's official all, Mia and I have now kept two living human beings alive for three months. It's not so much me, I think if I were to raise our kids, they would be grunting, and scratching themselves all the time, but since Mia is the good looks and the genius behind this operation, we seem to be doing very well.

So, the question will be begged now, has it gotten easier over the past three months?

Well, yes and no, you see right now, the boys are going through their three month growth spurt, so they are not sleeping through the night, they are eating like horses, and they have started the incredible drooling that comes with the stage of teething I did not know even existed, "preeteething".

They are however getting easier to predict and understand. When it is time to go to sleep for the night, they most certainly tell us. The crying begins about fifteen minute before bed time, and the general "upsetness" follows if we do not listen to them.

Jonathan is able to roll over, and watching him do that is amazing. I think it is also amazing how much he moves in his sleep. We will place him in the far top corner of the crib at the begining of the night, and by the end of the night he has moved himself all the way to the bottom opposite corner. Both he and Dillon are laughing now as many people has witnessed.

Dillon has become so much more animated since he has figured out his smile and how to laugh. He has put on a fair amount of weight and he has started to fine tune the movements he needs to turn over. He is excelling every day in the exersaucer, more and more he is hitting the keys to light up the key boards with one hit.

I asm just amazed at the daily changes in the boys, and I can't wait to see more.

This was from our last trip down to the San Pedro river. I think looking at it and looking at the other one from the Sna Pedro Brings a sense of deja vu.
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