Sunday, July 17, 2005

Welcome to the New Website

Hey All,

Well, if you have made it to here, then you have found out that the old site is changing and going the way of the Dodo bird.

I really did like the service we had there, but it was just too much for me to take on with the boys and I being alone all of the time, and still trying have time to myself. I have decided that instead of trying to write all the pages and their content, it was easier for me and hopefully, quicker for me to do it this way.

I had envisioned the old site as a kind of "gathering spot" for all of the family and friends, but I felt that it was not neccesarily working out the way I was hoping. I was trying to make it so that everyone could find everyone else's e-mail addresses, photos, and news in one stop, but it did not seem to be happning this way. I had a decision to make then, should I pay for the service that 1&1 Web Hosting was providing, or should I just do it on a simpler and free forum such as this.

Then I talked to Marc, and realized that going this route and not the other just seemed to make more sense. Instead of trying to rewrite the html code for the pages every day I had the chance (which as you all know was rare), I could just hop on here and type in what has been going on with Mia, the boys, and I.

I am currently looking for a new alternative to hosting the pictures, so until further notice, if there is a photograph that you want, please e-mail me.

I am hoping that this can be much easier for all of us.


Anonymous said...

NEEEEED more pictures!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...